Privacy Policy


1. Purpose of the Policy

This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you of our approach to the processing of personal data and the protection of this data in relation to our activity, including the content and operation of this website. In Luxembourg, the requirements in this context are defined by Articles 13 and 14 of EU General Data Protection Regulation No. 679/2016 (GDPR), which we undertake to comply with.

The terms used :

  • data processing - collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, adapting, modifying or using your data;
  • personal data - all information relating to an identified or identifiable individual;
  • an “identifiable” individual is one who can be identified directly or indirectly;
  • GDPR - EU General Data Protection Regulation No. 679/201;
  • PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL.


2. Responsible for the processing of personal data

The responsible Data Protection Officer is:

PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL

4 Rue Père Conrad

L-1353 Howald



Commercial register number: RCS B276453

VAT number: LU 34 77 32 09

Business permit: nb 10151560/0 and nb 10151560/1

e-mail :


3. Categories of persons concerned and personal data processed

PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL mainly processes the identification and contact information of natural persons - clients, partners, employees (including potential employees) of the office and of service provider companies, suppliers, as well as representatives of public authorities and institutions - only within the framework of its statutory activity and in a limited way according to the needs of this activity.

The data processed may include, for example: contact details, information concerning offers, tenders, orders, contracts, plans and other project documents (including the data indicated therein), deliveries, data concerning the personal situation and wishes of customers in relation to the design of their projects, billing data, photos and all relevant data in the context of the projects developed. In the context of recruitment, collaboration, subcontracting or any other professional relationship, PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL may collect data concerning qualifications and professional experience.

PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL is dedicated to respect the principle of minimizing your data retention and ensures that only adequate and relevant data is processed with regard to what is necessary for the pursuit of the declared purposes.


4. Sources of personal data processed


PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL collects your data either directly from you or indirectly from third parties. With minor exceptions - please see our Cookies Policy. PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL does not directly collect personal data through this website.


5. Reasons for and methods of data collection and processing

The processing of your data is based:

  • either on the fact that the processing is necessary for the execution of the missions of architect or urban planner, including the dependent and interdependent missions, in other words the execution of a contract concluded between you and PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL,
  • either on the fact that the processing is necessary for the performance of other contracts (eg employment contracts, supplies, services), including the pre-contractual relationship and post-contractual management,
  • either on the fact that the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL is subject,
  • either for accounting,
  • either for maintaining its database of professional contacts and internal statistics,
  • either for the purpose of documenting the professional activity and projects of PANA-C, including (subject to your consent in the case of a private project) the distribution or publication of a limited part of the data, descriptions, plans and photos, for example as proof of professional experience, on the PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL website, in paper format or on online sharing platforms,
  • either in the context of the use of this website (see our Cookies Policy),
  • either with your specific consent,
  • or on the fact that the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL.


Occasionally PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL may also use your data to send you other information, for example concerning its professional activity or events, as well as legal correspondence.


Data processing is based on your freely given consent in relation to information provided by you (including publicly available data and data provided in connection with the provision of goods or services) and on the interest of PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL resulting from its activity. The legal basis for the processing is Article 6 (1) GDPR.

Project data will be archived for 10 years from the final acceptance of each project. In the event of marked architectural or historical interest, PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL may keep plans, photographs and other relevant data of the projects concerned to the extent necessary for maintaining the portfolio of its works and proof of its intellectual property rights until the expiration of those rights.

Personal data will be kept for the time necessary given the contractual and professional relationship, the service concerned and, where applicable, the ten-year guarantee. Personal data is deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Please notify us of any changes to your contact details so that we can update them and let us know if you no longer wish to be included in our professional database. Accounting data and supporting documents will be kept for 10 years after the end of the financial year concerned.


6. Subcontracting and data transfer


This website is hosted by an external provider (see Legal Notice) and we also use cookies and analysis tools, as indicated in our Cookies Policy. The services provided by the hosting platform include the storage and backup of data indicated on the PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL website. PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL does not directly process personal information outside the EU. If a transmission and processing of personal data takes place outside the EU by our service providers acting as processors, these are carried out on the basis of the data protection measures as described in the Cookies Policy and in the privacy policies and subcontracts of the concerned service providers.


7. Links to Third-Party Websites

This site may contain links to third party websites. The processing of personal data on other websites is carried out under the responsibility of the third parties concerned. For more information, we invite you to consult the privacy policies of the third-party websites concerned.


8. Data security

This site and the databases of PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL, as well as our IT systems, are protected by taking appropriate technical and organizational measures against the loss, destruction, access, modification or dissemination of your data by unauthorized persons. Despite these measures, complete protection against all dangers and risks is impossible given the nature of the Internet, and cannot be guaranteed.


9. Your rights

You have a right of access and rectification in the event of an error in your data. Subject to justifying overriding and legitimate reasons provided for in the GDPR, you also have a right to limit processing and a right to object to the collection of Your Data. However, in these last two hypotheses, the exercise of this right does not annihilate the validity of the previous processing. You have a right to erase and a right to limit the processing of your personal data. This right is not always applicable, in particular if the processing is necessary in the context of freedom of expression and information, compliance with a legal obligation, a mission in the public interest or the establishment, the exercise or defense of legal claims. Insofar as your personal data is processed on the basis of legitimate interests within the meaning of Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR, you have the right to object to such processing on grounds relating to your situation (subject to the prevalence of legitimate and compelling reasons relating to the data processing concerned) and/or to oppose processing for prospecting purposes. If necessary, PANA-C architecture & urbanisme SARL will keep a register of the relevant information of persons who have exercised their right of opposition, in order to respect the wishes of the person concerned. The information in this opt-out register will be stored for 3 years.

In certain legally defined cases, you have the right to data portability - a right to receive a copy of the personal data you have provided to us, in a standard format, or to obtain its transmission to another data controller when this is technically possible.

The consent given can be withdrawn at any time. In this case, the data processing concerned will be stopped and can no longer be carried out in the future, without prejudice to the legality of the processing which was carried out on the basis of the consent before the withdrawal.

To exercise your rights, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (see point 2 above). In the event that the Controller has reasonable doubts as to your identity when exercising your rights, he may request additional information necessary to confirm your identity.

If you believe that the processing of your personal data does not comply with the GDPR, you have the right to file a complaint with the competent data protection authority (see

The legal basis: Articles 15-21 of the GDPR.


10. Changes to this Policy

This Policy may be modified over time, for example in the event of a change affecting one or more personal data processing operations or in the event of a modification of the applicable rules. You will be notified of any such change by posting the new Policy on this website. Please read the Policy in force when you visit our website.