Cookies Policy

The site may use customer cookies, small text files serving to analyze information relating to the user's navigation (frequency of visits, duration of visits, pages consulted, language preferences, etc.). They are saved by this site in a folder provided for this purpose on the user's computer. They contain in particular the name of the server, an identifier in the form of a unique number and an expiration date. The unique identifier allows this site to recognize the user's computer on each visit.

The user can decide himself whether or not the web server of this site is authorized to store cookies on his computer. He has the choice at any time to adjust his browser options so that cookies are not accepted and stored. In addition, the user can at any time delete, via the browser, cookies already stored.

The use of certain features of this site may be limited or disabled if the user refuses cookies from the site. It is therefore recommended that the user adjust his browser so that cookies from the site are accepted.


What is a cookies and what is it's purpose?

A cookie is a small text file saved, and/or read by your browser, on the hard drive of your terminal (PC, laptop or smartphone, for example) and deposited by the websites you visit. Almost all sites use cookies to function properly and optimize their ergonomics and functionality.


The cookies used.

The site only uses performance and functionality cookies. These cookies are used to improve the performance and functionality of the internet page but are not essential for its use. You can refuse these cookies, but some features may not be available as a result.

This website uses the following cookies:

PHPS ESSID - Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to manage user session variables. This is normally a randomly generated number, the way it is used can be site specific, but a good example is maintaining a logged in status for a user between pages. Type: server_cookie: Expires: session.


Disabling cookies.

You can disable cookies at any time. If you wish to delete the cookies stored on your device and configure your browser to refuse them, you can do so via the preferences of your internet browser. The navigation options relating to cookies are usually found in the "Options", "Tools" or "Preferences" menus of the browser you use to access this site. However, depending on the different existing browsers, different means can be used to disable cookies. To find out more, you can follow the referenced links corresponding to your browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer / Google Chrome / Safari / Firefox / Opera.

Please note that if you refuse, from your internet browser, the recording of cookies on your device, you will still be able to browse this site.

For any questions about the Cookies Policy of, you can contact us using the following e-mail address: